What is the Implicit Tax Rate on Lottery Tickets?
Lottery is a popular way for people to raise money for things like public services and education. But it’s not as transparent as a regular tax, and many consumers aren’t sure what the implicit tax rate on lottery tickets actually is.
Lotteries involve paying a small amount of money for the chance to win a large sum of cash or other goods or services. The term is most often applied to state-run games, but private lotteries are also common. There are also many different ways to play the lottery, including instant-win scratch-off games and daily drawing games.
The first publicly organized lotteries were held in the Low Countries in the 15th century to collect funds for building town fortifications and helping the poor. Public lotteries soon became widespread in Europe, and by the 17th century they had become a popular form of “voluntary” taxation, with prizes often equal to a percentage of the total pool of ticket sales.
Despite their popularity, lotteries can be dangerous for the uninformed. Plenty of winners end up blowing their winnings on huge houses and Porsches, or gambling it away, and many are also slapped with lawsuits. To avoid that, certified financial planner Robert Pagliarini recommends that lottery winners assemble a “financial triad” to help them navigate their sudden windfall with pragmatic financial planning. Also, when buying tickets, be sure to sign the back and keep them in a safe place where they can’t get lost or stolen. And always double-check the dates on drawings to make sure that you’re claiming your winnings on time.